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Do you have an important upcoming event? Party / Christmas / Holiday


Are you returning to work following maternity leave?

Do you open a full wardrobe, but have nothing to wear?

Are you stuck in a fashion rut?


New season, new you?

As an editorial and commercial stylist for over 10 years, including TV fashion wardrobe makeover shows, I have experienced every fashion dilemma. I have worked with models, celebrities and women to make them look their best self. I believe in elegant and enduring style, and introducing trends that work for you.

I am dedicated to empowering women to have confidence with their wardrobe & individual personal style. With expertise in personal styling and an eye for great design, I work creatively to inspire women with their wardrobe.

Life is busy. Look fabulous. Any age. Any size. Any budget.

3 service packages:

1. Mood boarding and research for online shopping. (£100) Email / call / meet me to discuss your fashion issue.

2. Nothing to wear? (£200) At-home wardrobe cleanse in 3 hours to declutter, refine and edit your wardrobe. I'll make plans to fill in any gaps so you fall in love with your clothes again.

3. Shopping trip. (£300) A half-day where we hit the shops together. I'll have clothes already on hold as well as choosing items on the day and styling up looks. (* This can be followed up in the future with personal shopping on your behalf where I do the legwork and you only keep what you want.) 

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